Our MalesSee our Females

Parker    Spock    Frankie    Labron    Colt    Zinfandel    Cabot    Cash    Winston    Kona    
Jaggar    Cooper    Charlie    Bryce    
Frozen Semen

Grand Champion Shana's Blue Bayou

Parker#1 Parker#2
Parker#3 Parker#4

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
DCM Tested: Carrier

GCh Mistic's Longfellow Serenade X Ch Shana's Fancy Pantz

Please Enjoy this slideshow of Parker’s pictures!

     In January 2015, we decided to let Parker go with professional handlers and friends of ours, Don Powell and Liz Holle. Parker is one of the three intact males we have here at the house. We thought it would be good for him to get out on his own and build his confidence so off he went!
     Sending a dog to be shown as a special means they are mature and ready to win; this usually happens around the age of three to five years. But Parker wasn’t ready for that, or so we thought, as he was just 25 months old!
     The first weekend he showed with Don and Liz he won Best of Breed (BOB) all three days in Florida, but there was little to no competition at this show. However, he showed really well for Don so we were happy.
     The following weekend in Atlanta, Georgia, Parker won all 4 days BOB and got the wicket pulled on him. What is that? Well, in our structure guide put together by the Standard Schnauzer Club of America and the American Kennel Club there are regulations to follow, and one of those is that the males are not to be over 20 inches tall. Parker is close but not over, so one of the judges that had already measured a class dog and excused him from the ring measured Parker. He is under 20 inches, so she gave him BOB!
     The next show was in Franklin, Tennessee, where Parker acquired 4 more BOB’s and made the cut in the group.
     Then they were off to Louisville, Kentucky, with the biggest competition since he started! Again 4 BOB’s and looking good in the group, but not yet the confident, mature dog the judges were looking for. I was there that weekend to watch him, and he looked so much like a youngster in a grown-up world! I was there not only because I missed my boy, but to breed Anya to him for hisfourth first litter!
     Parker is one of the nicest dogs that we have bred in the thirty years! He has the front and rear movement that you don’t see on many of the Standard Schnauzers out there. He has substance and bone, like a working dog should have. He has a harsh, wire coat that is so easy to work — hard, straight, tight-to-the-body coat. He isn’t perfect, but no dog is.
     In March, Parker traveled to North Carolina for the weekend. First day BOB, second day nothing … too big for that judge. Third day BOB and Group 3! Wow! So exciting! The working group is one of the hardest groups to show in, because the Standard Schnauzer is competing with all the big dogs — the Dobermans, Great Danes, and so on! As you can imagine, we were very happy with a group 3! Fourth day BOB and fifth day BOB! Not bad for a young dog trying to build some confidence!
     But with the ups also comes the downs. In Concord, North Carolina, we did NOTHING at all. I told myself it was bound to come to an end, what did I think was going to happen with a young dog? We were just out there having fun and hadn’t planned on doing much. I’ve been showing dogs for thirty (plus) years so wasn’t freaked out … but it is always a little disappointing.
     But we kept going! In Alabama Parker earned 4 more BOB and pulled in the group. At the Georgia shows in June, 4 more BOB’s and a group 4. In West Virginia, Parker (day one) was select dog. The next three days are BOB and a group 3! At this point, it was obvious his confidence was building! But I was wondering when my boy would come home?
     At Watkinsville, Georgia, in May, Parker was the Day 1 BOB and Group 4, and Day 2 BOB and Group 1! Holy Moly!! We had to go back in for Best In Show! Well, we didn’t get it, but oh my, the excitement and fun we had that day! Cindy and I were both there to see him strut his stuff! We were so proud of him!
     During the Florida show in May, he earned 2 more BOB’s. Off to Mississippi for another 4 days. First 2 days were a bust, but the last 2 days brought BOB!
     The whole year we are leading up to the Standard Schnauzer National Specialty. This show was held in June at Richmond, Virginia, with the top competition from all over the world. It also hosted very prestigious judges for the highest number of dogs entered. It was truly a great weekend! We got to see dogs that we have only heard about, visit with old friends, and meet new ones. I was so honored by the number of “Shana” families with their “Shana dog” who came to support us! I can’t tell you how that makes a breeder feel. People not only love our dogs, they love them and us enough to come, learn new things, and support one another in barn hunting, obedience, and conformation. It also provided the opportunity to watch the masters groom and handle our dogs in the ring. I am so lucky to have this kind of people in our family. It keeps me wanting to breed.
     Well, we did ok the weekend before the National with 2 BOB’s and a group 3 … then nothing until Sunday after the specialty. Doug Holloway, a Breeder judge, professional handler, winner of BIS at the Garden with Ch Parsifal Di Casa Netzer, was judging. I told Don and Liz to pull Parker from showing because I didn’t think Doug would like him and I was so disappointed on how the weekend had gone for Parker. They were against it as I had already paid the entry so go ahead. I walked outside for about 45 minutes as I didn’t think I could stand to see him lose again. Walking back in the building to see if it was over, I noticed several dogs were in the ring and Parker was there! Doug just kept staring at him and Liz worked it so well! I couldn’t believe that it was my dog! Last time around the ring and Mr. Holloway pointed at Parker and say BOB! The only way I can describe the feeling is over-the-moon excitement! Yelling, screaming, crying, you name it, we did it! Off to the group and a group 4! What a day! Monday at the show we were excited as we had a new champion crowned — Ch Shana’s Jamaican Me Crazy — bred by Cindy and me, handled by Cindy that day!
     We went to Virginia excited; came home excited and dragging! Now off to shows again! Parker has been ranked #1 in breed points all year. That in itself is a thrill that not many of us experience!
     It’s a crazy world and we are still out there playing with the big dogs!

Champion Shana's Foolish Pleasure

Spock#1 Spock#2
Spock#3 Spock#4

Ch Shana's Tropical Cruise, Charlie X Berenika

Grand Champion Shana's Monster Mash

Frankie#1 Frankie#2

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Normal
DCM Tested: Normal/Clear

Int Ch Von Shaman's Kpng Up Apprnces X Ch Boundary N Shana's Hoosier Mama

Frankie is a mama's boy! He is the top dog here. He has produced several champions at this point. He's homozygous black and was our first black champion. He won Best of Sweeps, Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the 2009 SS National Specialty. As he impressed many judges along the way, he was invited to the 2011 Eukanuba Invitational, going Best Bred By Exhibitor Dog. At eight years old, Frank took Veterans Dog at the 2016 National Specialty. Watch Frankie in the ring at that show here. Out of his litters there have been 7 champions. Frankie is at stud to approved bitches.

Grand Champion Shana N Marchant's Heeze My Guy

Labron#1 Labron#2

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Clear
DCM Tested: Normal

GCh Charisma Maxim Von Diable X Ch Shana N Marchant's Naughty or Nice

Champion Colt Flor D' Luna Grand Calvera

Colt#1 Colt#2
Colt#3 Colt#4

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Normal
DCM Tested: Carrier

Harry du Fayimi X Hera Flor D'Luna Grand Calvera

Colt was our first imported Champion. He is a sweet, sweet dog with lots of bone and plenty of substance. He has a good coat and color, and eyes that will melt your heart! He is at stud to approved bitches.

Champion Zinfandel Shana Grand Calvera

Zinfandel#1 Zinfandel#2
Zinfandel#3 Zinfandel#4

OFA: Excellent
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Normal
DCM Tested: Normal/Clear

Fuego V Manzenbach X Zalto For Shaman Grand Calvera

Zinfandel loves life! He is a happy soul that thinks waking up every morning is the greatest thing! Zin is a big dog, with great coat, color and temperament. Zin is at stud to approved bitches.

Champion Shana's Cabernet

Cabot#1 Cabot#2

OFA: Fair
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Clear
DCM Tested: Normal/Clear

Ch Zinfandel Shana Grand Calvera X GCh Shana's Magic Marker

Champion Shana's Road To Riches

Cash#1 Cash#2

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
DCM Tested: Clear

GCH Shana's Monster Mash X Ch Shana's Fancy Pantz

Champion Shana's Purple Rain

Winston#1 Winston#2
Winston#3 Winston#4

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Pending
DCM Tested: Carrier

GCh Mistic's Longfellow Serenade X Ch Shana's Fancy Pantz

Champion Shana's Hawaiian Punch

Kona#1 Kona#2
Kona#3 Kona#4

OFA: Excellent
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Clear/Normal
DCM Tested: Carrier

Ch Colt Flor D' Luna Grand Calvera X Sleeping Beauty Grand Calvera

Kona, a.k.a. Kokonut and KoKo, is owned by Catherine and Tim Moore. He is a beautiful young dog learning agility and conformation ring etiquette. KoKo has a big imagination and loves to make us laugh! Watch for this young man in the ring!

Champion Shana's Forte

Jaggar#1 Jaggar#2
Jaggar#3 Jaggar#4

OFA: Good
CERF: Clear
Heart Echo: Clear/Normal
DCM Tested: Carrier

Ch Colt Flor D Luna Grand Calvera X Ch Shana's Mad About Me

Jagger obtained 2 points his first time out in the conformation ring. He also enjoys a bit of barn hunting and agility. He is loved and owned by Sue and Jeff Arnold, and lives with three other Shana dogs, Rowdy, Joey and Tommi! His best friend is Kokonut!

Champion Shana's Little Duce Coop

Cooper#1 Cooper#2

OFA: Prelim. Good
Elbows: Normal
Eyes: Clear
DCM: Clear

Ch Shana's Cabernet X Rashmi OD Dalajskeho Potoka

I have shown Cooper 2 weekends and he just turned 1 year old a few days ago and he is a Champion as of today! Cooper took a 5 point major yesterday and today to finish WD BOW. (Feb. 7, 2016)

Ch Shana's Tropical Cruise


OFA: Good
Elbows: Clear/Normal
CERF: Clear
DCM: Clear/Normal

GCh Mistic Longfellow Serenade X Ch Shana's Fancy Pantz

Champion Shana's Once In A Blue Moon

Bryce#1 Bryce#2
Bryce#3 Bryce#4

OFA: Prelim Good
CERF: Clear
DCM Tested: Carrier

GCh Shana's Blue Bayou X GCh Shana's Ultimate Utopia

Statement from Owners:
     We are over-the-moon proud of our BGCH Shana's Once in a Blue Moon. He is our 7th Shana standard schnauzer. Soon after turning one, he was awarded Winners Dog and earned his Championship at the Standard Schnauzer National Specialty in 2016. Just before turning two, he earned his Grand Championship and just before turning three he earned his Bronze Grand Championship. He has earned group placements plus owner handler group placements. This is remarkable, especially since he is owner-handled by Maureen. They have become quite the team working in synch and having loads of fun.
     We feel so very blessed to have Shana schnauzers over the last 20 years. Every pup has brought love, joy and lots of laughter. While we love showing and winning, we think temperament is the most important aspect of a dog that lives with us 365 days a year. All of our Shana schnauzers excel in confirmation, agility and as wonderful companions. Leann, Louis and Cindy are a great team breeding the best standard schnauzers.
          —John and Maureen Shankweiler

Frozen Semen

Frozen semen is available on certain dogs. Click here for details.